My co-worker Tina was in a head-on collision Saturday night. He is in the hospital and has severe injuries. Pray for his healing and full recovery.
Pray for God's clear discernment, direction and provision for prospect career at ABT and pursue Masters of Arts in Dance Education at NYU-Steinhardt and ABT.
We are pastors. Battling for our son and many others, doing all we know to do, worn out, oppressed, weak. We keep standing with more attacks than victory.
Please pray that God will heal my neck, shoulders and unpinch any pinched or compressed nerves and also heal me from every infirmity. Thank you, God Bless.
Please pray for William S., his leg is swollen and the doctor said he has a blood clot. Please pray God will dissolve the blood clot and remove it.
Children's salvation - the scales would fall off their eyes and they would see the truth: Casey, Kiely, Jordan, Haley, Benae, Carlos, Josiah, Carlitos.
Hi, please pray for Mark he has bladder cancer and is going to have surgery on 12-18-18 to remove it. Pray for healing and salvation thank you.
Healing and deliverance from the root of neuropathy and diabetes, please!
My daughter J, is 34 and has been in a mental hospital for 3 years, is coming home soon. Pray she stays well and grows spiritually and serves the Lord.
Please pray that God will bring my wife and son home and that our hearts toward one another be restored. Pray that well will forgive, and our life together will be influenced only by Jesus.