Prayer Requests - Cambodia

Please pray for our family, my husband David, and our son Jamie, that we can pursue God's calling upon our life, serving as missionaries in Cambodia.

Please pray for Pheaktra, boy born with skull cracked open wide. No medical help, impoverished, waiting to die. God please help!

Prayer for Cambodian Assemblies of God church and Pastor Tun and 5 children thank you.

Pray for a female missionary stomach sick and with fever today. She believes it's warfare related to her landlord, and near future ground breaking ministry.

Need Khmer office manager for ministry soon. Thought we had one, but fell through. Need answers, hope, peace, faith boost. Need to see the face of God.

Pray for strength and fellowship for young saved Khmer woman who is determined to walk with God. Her husband is not saved and they have a young baby. Pray that powers of darkness will fall away.

In need of restoration and healing a missionary in Cambodia who lost communion with God too busy helping the poor my way and not God way.

for the Lord to pour out his Holy Spirit in the men & women of Cambodia for Bibles large print and for Labourers to come here