Prayer Requests - Afghanistan

Prayer for the sex trafficking of children especially the amount of them. For the poor to stop and bow at the feet of Jesus and for healing, especially with children.

God be our shield, over everyone from infant to parents and their dwellings; provide health, wellness, wellbeing, work, ethics, and blessings in the church.

Pray for God's shield in everything and all things; all gifts and talents, blessings over all their lives, dwellings, churches, each shepherd, and all their members.

God spread Your protection in everything and all things, all their rights in everything and all things and all spiritual rights in everything and all things in the church.

God to spread his protection over everyone's dwelling, every blessing, work ethics, and all gifts and talents, health, wellness, wellbeing in everything.

God's cover and covering everything and all things, everyone, and everyone dwellings, work, health, wellness, wellbeing, future happiness. For God's servants.

Prayer of salvation for my brothers (Ben and Caleb) and my mother (Angie). Additional prayer for my Father (Robert). Praying for a spouse.

Pray for healing of severe burns on most of Navitas (28 yrs) body, and for the healing of his 3-year-old daughter born with a hole in her heart. Both hospitalized.

I need M's ungodly prayers on me to cease. Anger, resentment, sexual abuse, abuse in the church and men and women of God, I am homeless. I used up all.