Prayer Requests - Nicaragua

Please pray for Miriam and her family who moves from Nicaragua to Tegucigalpa. Lord, show her Your will and love in this bad circumstance.

Pray for Vanessa. She is fainting praying for her marriage. She and her husband divorced, but she still believes that Camilo will come back home. Do a miracle, Lord.

For Miriam and faith for her marriage. Lord do a miracle on this marriage. Wednesday have a reunion for divorce and she won't sign anything.

Pray for Jason and Nickel, missionaries to Nicaragua. They are asking us to agree with them for God's provision and protection.

Please, please, please pray for my brothers Mario and Giancarlo. They are doing hard drugs, and are 17 and 18 years old.

Please pray for a job opportunity! I have been unemployed for almost five years now and every time I applied I got a negative answer! Please pray for me!

Please pray for God to provide me with a job. I am a single mother and have been unemployed for many years. I am trusting in the Lord.