Prayer Requests - NC

Please pray for my marriage to be restored and my son to be healed. Please pray for my husband to be transformed and come back to God.

Please pray for healing for Joni. After flu-like symptoms, she has tested positive for COVID-19.

Get good resources and directions from two organizations and that we don't lose faith and trust God about this next move.

Please pray for wisdom and direction for us and that we will have favor on getting relevant docs to make an Aliyah without needing I, P, N.

Please pray for the deliverance and salvation of my prodigal sister Theresa and her husband Marillo who are alcoholics.

Pray for our dear pastor, Keith N., as he recovers from kidney cancer surgery.

Please pray my daughter Melissa will reach a settlement in her case.

Please pray for Jr. B. who has COVID-19 and can't breath. Urgent prayer.