A manifestation of healing and a full recovery from a massive stroke.
Healing to not compare God to earthly fathers in trials. A husband. I've been faithful for 16 years with no saved family.
Pray for my wife to be healed of liver disease and its complications. Thank you.
For a coworker's daughter who is critically sick, multiple infections. A poor chance to live. Please, Lord do a miracle!
Pray for Michael, who has a brain infection. May the Lord perform a miracle.
We need to pray for our country. My prayer is that one day we can all be just people, not black or white. Amen.
Would you pray for Daelynn our 17-year-old granddaughter we believe she was messing around with an ouija board two years ago. She is angry and struggling.
My husband, Bob, has been diagnosed with Leukemia. We are praying for healing but the immediate need is for his bone marrow to start producing blood.
Donna's back, legs, feet, fibromyalgia, finances. Janet strokes/speech/limbs/crohns/diabetes/salvation. Nick's back/lungs/diabetes/heart/salvation.
For the steady hand and good mind of my surgeon for my double mastectomy on October 6th.