Prayer Requests - DE

I have a life-long issue with food addiction which has resulted in a severe weight problem. Please pray for the Lord to deliver me from gluttony.

Please pray that the Lord awakens a desire in me to pursue Him with all of my heart. I've been lukewarm and can't seem to change that on my own.

Please pray that I'll be healed. I'm having abnormal and excessive bleeding due to uterine fibroids/polyps. They're saying surgery is the only option.

I have a thickened endometrial lining and was told it could be pre-cancerous or cancerous. They are delaying surgery for now. Please pray for healing.

Please pray for God to make me fearless. I pray to trust in Him no matter the circumstance, or the trial, or tribulation.

I have excessive bleeding, due to a fibroid and thick uterine lining. They want to do surgery which I can't afford. Please pray for the Lord to heal me.

Joe is 92 years old. Today he was placed in hospice care. Joe does not appear to know the Lord. He recently cried out for God to help him.

I need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be changed so that I'll be able to pray and read the Bible. I need to have my life transformed by God.

I am awaiting results of a pelvic ultrasound to determine if I will require surgery. Please pray for healing for excessive bleeding and pain.

I've been bleeding heavily and I am in pain, Please pray that the Lord will heal me so that I don't need to have a hysterectomy.