Please pray for my 19 yr. old son to have a personal faith.
Please pray for hope and help for my 23 years old son. Thank you and may God bless you TSC!
May God bless, encourage, strengthen, deliver, protect all you who pray for us around the world. You are loved and greatly appreciated!
Please pray for 19 yr. old son to not be taken captive by Science, have a personal testimony & use his gifts for God's Kingdom. Thanks TSC!
Please pray for hope and help for 23 yr. old son living off of grandparents. Thank you for your support and prayers! May God bless you!
May God have mercy and grace on 23 yr. old son and equip and empower him to live for God. Thank you Father God and TSC! Glory to God!
Please pray for David to not be held captive by science and for God to reveal Himself personally to him.
Please pray for David to have a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you!
Pray for my 16 years old daughter under attack. Very feminist, wondering if she is a boy, needs to be free from emotions, needs to know Bible is real.
Young Saudi schoolgirl had mouth and eye sewed shut with contaminated thread for declaring Jesus as Savior. God deliver your people from evil!