Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals

Jesus Help Me

Have you ever noticed in the scriptures that religious people follow Jesus and try to figure out every little piece and puzzle of the law? Despite all this, it’s still the blind man that says, “Son of David, have mercy on me,” and he gets the miracle.

The prophet Isaiah once said, “It’s the lame person who presses through the crowd that gets the victory.” In short, it’s the person who knows who they are but understands there’s something about Jesus that can change their life. They don’t care what type of social pressures were put upon them. The start crying out to Him unreservedly. They cry out for Jesus to have mercy on them.

I have one prayer in my life that I always pray, and God always answers it. It’s simple: “Jesus, help me.” No matter what you’re facing today, whatever you’re going through, you can ask Jesus to help you. I want you to pray it right now. “Jesus, help me.”

It’s time now to pray.

He’s The Lord Over Time

We dwell in this little space in eternity called time, but God does not. He dwells from eternity past to eternity future. He’s the Lord over time.

God alone can go back and heal things that you thought could never be healed in your life. He can go back today and give you things you thought were lost or could never have. He can go back and give you callings. Maybe you thought something slipped through your fingers, but God can go back and make your life into something that the natural progression of sin seemingly took away from you. He can go back into your past and change everything.

Would you pray with us? We meet every Wednesday at 7:00 PM EST at itstimetopray.org. Join people worldwide as we cry out for the healing we need and the purpose for our lives that only God can give us.

It’s time now, my brother and sister, to pray.

Pastor Carter Conlon
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